Putnam, Jeptha (b. 24 AUG 1699, d. 23 APR 1772)
Occupation: Place: Farmer And Carpenter
Occupation: Place: Farmer In South Danvers
Occupation: Place: Farmer And A Carpenter
Occupation: Place: Schoolteacher
Occupation: Place: Minister In North Reading
Note: He bought a farm in Bedford and became a Deacon in the church in Billerica.
Occupation: Place: Selectman
Occupation: Place: Minister
Note: He is said to have been at the capture of Louisburg; being in command of a company there. He volunteered for the Revolution as he was exempt from duty at his age. On April 19, 1775 he was killed in battle at Lexington and Concord. Fought with his 6 sons. His son Henry, Jr. was wounded but all lived well beyond the Revolution.
Occupation: Place: Soldier, Scholar
Note: LDS (AFN: HLS1-42) lists her as Hannah Putnam. Since they usually list the maiden name not the married name, perhaps her maiden name was also Putnam. Either way, there are no parents listed for Hannah.
Note: Name:Putnam, Henry, Danvers.
Source Info:Mass. Rev. War Soldiers & Sailors, Volume 12 page 865
Information:Putnam, Henry, Danvers.Sergeant, Capt. Jeremiah Page's co.; service, 2 days, probably on the alarm of April 19, 1775; also, Capt. Addison Richardson's co., Col. John Mansfield's regt.; order for advance pay, signed by said Putnam and others, dated Cambridge, June 14, 1775; above men reported as having taken the oath in Middlesex Co. June 14, 1775, required by Congress to be taken by the Mass. army; also, Sergeant, same co. and regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; engaged May 12, 1775; service, 2 mos. 24 days; also, Capt. Richardson's co., Col. Mansfield's (19th) regt. commanded by Lieut. Col. Israel Hutchinson; company receipt for wages for Sept., 1775, dated Camp at Winter Hill; also, company return dated Oct. 6, 1775; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Camp at Winter Hill, Oct. 27, 1775; also, Ensign, Capt. Richardson's (5th) co.; copy of a list of men taken from the Orderly Book of Col. Israel Hutchinson, of the 27th regt., dated Fort Lee; reported taken prisoner at Fort Washington Nov. 16, 1776.
Note: Served at Lexington in the Revolutionary War.
Name:Putnam, Eleazer, Medford.
Source Info: Mass Rev. War Soldiers & Sailors, Volume 12 page 861
Information: Putnam, Eleazer, Medford. Private, Capt. Isaac Hall's co., Col; Thomas Gardner's regt., which assembled April 19, 1775; service, 5 days.
Putnam, Eleazer.
Volume 12 page 862
Putnam, Eleazer.2d Lieutenant, Capt. Joseph Tufts's 8th (Medford) co., Col. Samuel Thatcher's (1st Middlesex Co.) regt. of Mass. militia; list of officers [p.862] chosen by the several companies in said regiment, dated Watertown, April 26, 1776; ordered in Council April 29, 1776, that said officers be commissioned; reported commissioned April 29, 1776; Jonathan Porter reported as having taken place of said Putnam June 17, 1776.
Name:Putnam, Eleazer.
Source Info:Volume 12 page 862
Putnam, Eleazer.Account of money paid by persons to hire men to go to Canada [year not given], examined and allowed by a committee at Medford Oct. 8 1776.
Name:Putnam, Eleazer.
Source Info:Volume 12 page 862
Putnam, Eleazer.Account of money paid by persons to hire men who went to New York in Sept., 1776, examined and allowed by a committee at Medford Jan. 13, 1777.
Note: Probobly the same Elijah who graduated from Harvard College in 1766.
Note: Fought at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775
From Putnam Lineage - p. 306.
Roger Putnam of Medford. Private, Captain Stephen Dana's Co., Col McIntosh's regiment; arrived at camp March 20, 1776. disc.April 5, 1776; served 17days at the Lines at Boston. Also as Putman. Private, Capt. Isaac Hall's co.; served 4 days; company marched from Medford by order of General Washington at the time of taking Dorchester Heights in March 1776. Also, account of money paid by persons to hire men who went to New York in September 1776, examined and allowed by a committee at Medford, Jan. 13, 1777.
Putnam, Roger, Medford.
Source: Mass Rev. War Soldiers & Sailors Volume 12 page 875
Putnam, Roger, Medford. Private, Capt. Stephen Dana's co., Col. McIntush's (McIntosh's) regt.; arrived at camp March 20, 1776; discharged April 5, 1776; service, 17 days, at the Lines at Boston; also, account of money paid by persons to hire men to go to Canada [year not given], examined and allowed by a committee at Medford Oct. 8, 1776; also, account of money paid by persons to hire men who went to New York in Sept., 1776, examined and allowed by a committee at Medford Jan. 13, 1777.
Occupation: Place: Deacon
Note: Name:Putnam, John, Danvers.
Source Info: Mass Rev. War Soldiers & Sailors
Volume 12 page 869
Putnam, John, Danvers.Captain of an Alarm co. of Danvers, which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 2 days.
Note: Name:Putnam, Benjamin, Danvers.
Source Info:
Volume 12 page 859
Putnam, Benjamin, Danvers.Sergeant, Capt. Edmund Putnam's (Alarm) co. of Danvers, which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 1 day.
Occupation: Place: Surgeon In The Army Durin
Occupation: Place: Farmer And A Mason
Occupation: Place: Seaman
Occupation: Place: Physcian
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