Welsh, Ellsworth Perry (b. SEP 1871, d. ?)
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1900 censusData:
Text: Year: 1900; Census Place: Gross, Allegany, Maryland; Roll: T623 604; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 115.
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1900 censusData:
Text: Year: 1900; Census Place: Gross, Allegany, Maryland; Roll: T623 604; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 115.
Note: Mother of 7, 3 still living in 1910.
Note: No children.
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1900 censusData:
Text: Year: 1900; Census Place: Gross, Allegany, Maryland; Roll: T623 604; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 115.
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1900 censusData:
Text: Year: 1900; Census Place: Gross, Allegany, Maryland; Roll: T623 604; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 115.
Source: (Death)
Title: 1900 census
Note: This information comes from cousin Gary Clites. But a gap of 17 years between children 3 & 4 looks awfully strange. Either these last two are attributed to the wrong family entirely or they are Emmanuel & Effie's grandchildren, not children.
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1900 censusData:
Text: Year: 1900; Census Place: Gross, Allegany, Maryland; Roll: T623 604; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 115.
Note: Year: 1860; Census Place: Cumberland Valley, Bedford, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1072; Page: 166; Image: 169.
Year: 1870; Census Place: Cumberland, Allegany, Maryland; Roll: M593_567; Page: 351; Image: 207. liviing with Eveline.
Allegany Co., marriage records show Hall, Solomon & Kinberly, Sarah married 20 March 1802. Perhaps they are Michael's parents.
HALL 03 Oct 1878 Michael Hall, an aged gentleman living at the residence of a daughter, Mrs S A Brant in South Cumberland, was found dead in his bed yesterday morning. Mr Hall was beyond 80 years of age and was a youthful soldier in the war of 1812-14. [Excerpts from The Cumberland Times
transcribed by Charles Often]
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1850 Census
Media: CensusData:
Text: Allegany Co., MD ED#6 page 164a.
Graduation: Date: 1736
Place: Harvard College
Note: Michael's estate was filed 19 June 1847. Photo copy of estate papers are in my files.
Note: On the 1773 Tax list for Brothersvalley Township, Bedford County. This township comprised all of what is now Conemaugh, Jenner, Jefferson, Middlecreek, Milford, Upper & Lower Turkeyfoot, Addison, Elk Lick, Summit, Black, Brothersvalley, Somerset, Quemahoning, Stonycreek, Shade, Paint, & Ogle Townships, Somerset County. On the 1796 Tax Assessment for Quemahoning Township, Somerset Co.
Source: Laurel Messenger Feb. 1970. Gabriel Rhoads had land warrant for Bedford County (now Somerset) 300 acres dated 26 Sept 1774 held in common with David Rinehart. David arrived on ship "Duke of Bedford" 14 Sept 1751.
Estate No. 1 of 1818 - Gabriel Rhoads, Jenner twp. Will written May 27, 1813, filed March 17, 1818.
In the name of God, Amen. I Gabriel Rhoads of the twonship of Jenner, County of Somerset and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Farmer, being very sick in body, but of sound mind, memory, and understanding (Blessed by God for the same). But considering the uncertainty of this transitory life, Do make and publish this my last Will and testament, in manner and form following, to wit. Principally, and first of all, I commend my immortal soul into the hands of God, who gave it, and by body to the Earth, to be buried in a Decent and Christian link manner at the discretion of my Executors herein after named; And as to such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless in this life, I Give and Dispose of the same in the following manner, to wit, I give and devise unto my Dear Wife Rachel during her natural life, if she remains unmarried so long, at any time she shall marry, then she shall o nly be entitled to one third of my estate, and from and immediately after her decease, I give and devise the remainder, or the same unto my nine children, Elizabeth, Susanna, Rachel, Barbra, Eve, Sarah, Jacob, Hanna, and Magdalena or the survivor or survivors of them, equally to be divided between them, and lastly, I nominate, and appoint my Sonin Law Simon Shafer of Jenner Twonship, County and Commonwealth aforesaid to be my Executor of this my Last Will, hereby revoking all other Wills, Legacies, and Bequests, by me heretofore made and Declared this and no Other to be my last Will and Testament.
In witness whereof, I Gabriel Rhoads of the aforesaid place, have signed, sealed, published, pronounced and declard by the said testator, as his Last Will and testament, in the presence of us, Who at his request, have subscribed as witnesses, this twenty seventh Day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirteen.
Gabriel (X) Rhoads
Signed Sealed in the presence of us
Thomas Raith
Michael Ray
Photo copy of the will and the estate holdings in my files.
Source: (Individual)
Title: Estate Records
Media: Official Document
Occupation: Place: Farmer
Probate: Date: 17 MAR 1818
Place: Somerset Co., PA
Note: Rachel's father was in Chester County, PA in 1743 and Frederick County, MD in 1756. Rachel born in 1750 could havve been born in either county.
Source: (Birth)
Title: Website
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: http://www.gozips.uakron.edu/~agould/HTMLRhoads/fam00250.htm
Source: (Death)
Title: Website
Media: Electronic
Source: (Burial)
Title: Website
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: http://www.my-ged.com/db/page/rhoads/754
Note: On the 1796 Tax Assessment for Milford Township.
Note: Descendants of G. W. Ray including Merle Ray (merler@@prodigy.net) in file #162.
Note: Will of Valentine Shadacre
Bedford County Court House, Bedford, PA
Will Book 1 page 35
I, Valentine Shadacre of the township and County of Bedford, in the State of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, being sick and very weak in body but of sound and disposing mind and memory; do this twenty-third day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following. First I give my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in a decent and Christian like manner at the secretion of my Executors herein after named, and I resign my Soul unto God who gave it, and as touching such worldly estates as it hath pleased Providence to bless me with I give and bequeath the same in manner and form following: - First, I give and bequeath unto Ellizabeth my beloved wife, all and singular my money, stock, furniture, Goods and Chattles and effects whatsoever to have hold use occupy and enjoy the same for and during the term of her natural life and after her death I will and bequeath that such part thereof as she shall die posessed shall be equally divided amongst all my children share and share alike that is to say John Shadacre my son and my daughters Magdalena the wife of David Rynhart, Royal [Nancy's note: I assume this to be a transcription error - should be Rachel] the wife of Gabriel Rhoad, Mary wife of Jacob Fisher and Catherine the wife of Peter Miller and in case my son or any of my daughters aforesaid should die before my said wife then I will and bequeath the share of such person dying to the lawful representatives of such person. AND whereas in a certain Deed by which I conveyed a certain tract of land to the said Gabriel Rhoads there are certain rents and reservations and covenants to be performed and paid by the said Gabriel Rhoads and in consideration of which said Land and the said Gabriel hath covenanted to pay and perform the same to me the said Valentine Shadacre and Elizabeth my wife during our joint lives and certain other rents reserved and covenants to be performed to end for the benefit of us. I do therefore will that such parts of the said rents and covenants are to be paid and performed to and for the use and benefit of such survivor shall be after my decease paid and performed unto my said wife Elizabeth during the term of her natural life agreeable to the form and effect of the said Deed. AND I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my said wife Elizabeth and my good friend Michael Sills to be Executors of this my last Will and Testament. IN TESTIMONY whereof I the said Valentine Shadacre have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid.
Valentine [his X mark] Shadacre
Signed, Sealed, Published, and declared by Valentine to be his last Will and Testament.
Thomas Smith
Benjamin Loan
Note: Descendant list in file.
Settling first in Frederick County, MD, then Somerset County, PA.
Blackburn-Welfey's History of Bedford and Somerset Counties [p. 496] said that Henry Roth was a Dunkard preacher who made guns although it was against his religion's teachings. In 1770 Henry moved from Ephrata, Lancaster County, to preach at the Ursina German Baptist Church, when the congregation numbered but 17 members,
[Source: Two Centuries of Brothers Valley, by H. Austin Cooper, p. 53]
"The Dunkers did not believe in carrying guns except for supplying meat for the table. But what Indian knew the difference when he spotted the peaceful man in the forest where only sight and evidence determined action and accuracy.
"The sixth and last gunsmith to point in this short treatise was Henry Roth, Sr. He was the first minister of the old Stony Church. He was a blacksmith by trade. He also made rifles, though this was in opposition to the Dunker practices. But Henry Roth had grown up largely in the practices of the Seventh Day Baptists of Ephrata. Nevertheless, Roth moved to Ursina, Pennsylvania, in 1771 and continued to make rifles. He died in 1774 and is buried on his tract there. It is said that several of these rifles were taken to Kentucky in 1785, when young Captain Henry Roth, Jr., led the party of about one hundred souls into the wilderness of the "dark and bloody ground." Not much more
than this brief mention of the rifles of Henry Roth Jr. known by this historian."
[Source: Two Centuries of Brothers Valley, by H. Austin Cooper, pp. 194-195.]
"The following interesting information has been discovered: (this has helped in establishing the original bounds of Bruedersthal). Henry Roth, Sr. (Henry Rhoads, Sr.) owned the farm now owned and occupied by William Glessner and son, John. Henry Rhoads, Jr. owned 300 acres of land in the Elk Lick section along Castleman River known as "Introduction," deeded at Lancaster, Oct. 4, 1774. Henry Roth, Jr. (Henry Rhoads, Jr.) owned the farm where Mr. Joseph Croner lives south of Berlin. (It is on the William Glessner farm in Stonycreek Twp. that the old "Stony Creek" meetinghouse stood). There is a little stream running between the Albert Glessner and William Glessner farms now called Rhoads Creek that was called Rhoad's Creek on Reading Howell's Map of 1795.
"Henry Roth, Sr. Grist Mill
"About five hundred yards up (east) this creek stood the Henry Rhoads, Sr. grist and saw mill. The foundation and race are visible yet today. This grist mill was standing in 1768. The Brethren held services in this mill before Henry Roth, Sr. built the dwelling-meetinghouse in 1771. The Henry Rhoads, Sr. farm where the meetinghouse was located was called "Round Meadows," so named because the Stony Creek makes a large round bend in the meadow."
Cumberland County, Pa-, court records show that in 1767 "Henry Roth of Hanover Township, Cumberland County, is bound to Phlip Bence --- to learn the arts and mysteries of a blacksmith ... bound in the amount of 28 pounds." Roth (or spelled Rhoads or Roads or Rodes) built his log cabin on Calendar Run, about one-eighth of a mile from Stoney Creek. [Laurel Messenger August 1962]
1772 Cumberland Valley twp. Tax list.
Henry RHODES, Sr., acres, 200; imp. 21; horses 3; cows 4.
Jacob RHODES, acres 100; imp. 5, horses 2; cows 3
Gabriel RHODES, acres 200; imp.10; horses 2; cows 2
Henry RHODES, Jr., acres 400; imp. 10; horses 1; cows 2
John RHODES, acres 100; imp. 1; horses 1; cows 1
Roth died in 1774 and the inventory of his estate was completed on 13 May of that year The estate was probated on 11 January 1775. The assessment was shown in English pounds/ shillings/ pence.
1 rifle goon (gun) 2/10/11
pair tongs, 2 pails, 0/10/0
1 cask, 1 sifter. 2 churns. 0/5/0
cutting box, knife, 4 sickles, 12/0/0
lot old iron 1/17/0
smoothing box 0/7/0
Shortly after the death of Henry Roth Sr, "Captain" Henry Roth Jr left for Kentucky. Rachel, daughter of Squire Boone, married Solomon, son of Henry Roth Sr. [Laurel Messenger November 1966, and Two Centuries of BrothersValley p. 200.]
Possible ships include the Pleasant in 1732, Samuel in 1733, or the William in 1737. Two Centuries of Brothersvalley, by Cooper, p. 252, states "Henry Roth, Sr. came to America in 1733 from Manheim, Germany" pointing to the ship Samuel. However, if this is the case, the Hendrick Roodt on that ship was 45, making him born about 1688, not 1711. The Henery Roch on the ship Pleasant in 1732 was 26 (i. e. born about 1706), and the Heinrich Rode, Sr. who arrived on the William is of indeterminate age, but he arrived with a Heinrich Rode, Jr. who was over 17, so he had to be at minimum in his late thirties (i.e., still too old to have been born in 1711). In short, this makes Heinrich's birthdate (which I obtained from someone else's website) look improbable.
Source: (Birth)
Title: Website
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: http://www.gozips.uakron.edu/~agould/HTMLRhoads/fam00220.htm
Occupation: Place: Farmer, blacksmith, gunsmith, Brethren minister
Note: Also have death date of 1780.
Source: (Birth)
Title: Website
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: http://www.gozips.uakron.edu/~agould/HTMLRhoads/fam00219.htm
Note: Everything about this family is suspect! I got all this info off the web. This note was on the web: "Came to America on ship Hope in 1733 with Henry and two daughters." Along with Ulrich's birthdate of about 1660 and note that Barbara died in Germany before the voyage in 1733 .
If this Ulrich is the same as the Ulrig Rayenhart, age 29 who arrived in Philadelphia August 28, 1733 on the ship Hope, Daniel Reed, Master, [PA German Pioneers, Vol. 1, pp. 116-120.], then this information is incorrect as well as his 1660 birthdate, and the fact that Barbara died in Germany. On the same passenger list [page 117] Barbra Raynhart, age 23, is listed. Therefore she did not die in Germany, and they came with no children. This also makes birthdates for Katherine and Elizabeth impossible as it puts daughter Elizabeth born before her mother.
Note: Harvey is living in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1905 with his grandmother Annie Brown and Great-grandmother Smith. [Source: Minnesota Territorial and State Censuses, 1849-1905 [database on-line]. Arthur remarried in 1905 so I presume Harvey's mother died prior to this, but I can find no death record for her.
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