Reade, Abigail (b. FEB 1633/34, d. ?)
Note: Her parents first named her "Justice" and later changed it to Abigail.
IMMIGRATION: 08 OCT 1635, 'Defence', Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
of London, Edward Bostock Master. Sailed from London about the last
week of July. About 100 passengers.
RESIDENCE: 1639, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
RESIDENCE: 1646, Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Note: RESIDENCE: 1699, Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Inherited his father's farm at Woburn 2nd Precint (Burlington) in 1699. When
he died in 1705 at 49, ownership passed to his son William
Occupation: Place: Farmer
Note: Resided in Haverhill, Massachusetts.
Took freeman's oath at Haverhill, 1688.
Occupation: Place: Tailor
Note: John Webster received land in Ipswich in 1634.
Freeman in 1635.
John Webster came from Ipswitch, Suffolk, England around 1631 to Ipswich, Massachusetts, where he was made a freeman in 1635. He was a baker by trade, admitted an inhabitant of Salem in 1637 and had a grant of land. He was a witness in the Es
court in 1639 and applied for land at the Creek in 1642. He died soon after coming here, leaving four sons and four daughters. The family subsequently moved to Newbury.
Source: 'Historical and Genealogical Shatswells of Ipswich., No 1.', Augustine Caldwell, p 1. 'Some of the Descendants of John Webster of Ipswich, Mass., in 1635', Wm. B. Lapham, 1884, p 1. 'New England Families Genealogical and Memorial,' William
Richard Cutter, 1915, p 1179. 'The New England Historical and Genealogical Register', Volume 150 April 1996, p 185.
John WEBSTER (1310), born about 1600, England, died 3 Nov 1648,
Ipswich, Essex, MA, son of Thomas WEBSTER (1718) and Margaret
(1719). John Webster came from Ipswich, Suffolk County, England,
around 1631 to Ipswich, Massachusetts, where he was made a free-
man in 1635. He was a baker by trade, admitted an inhabitant of
Salem in 1637 and had a grant of land. He was a witness in the
Essex court in 1639 and applied for land at the Creek in 1642. He
died soon after coming here, leaving four sons and four daugh-
ters. The family subsequently moved to Newbury. Source: 'Histor-
ical and Genealogical Shatswells of Ipswich., No 1.', Augustine
Caldwell, p 1. 'Some of the Descendants of John Webster of Ip-
swich, Mass., in 1635', Wm. B. Lapham, 1884, p 1. 'New England
Families Genealogical and Memorial,' William Richard Cutter,
1915, p 1179. 'The New England Historical and Genealogical Regis-
ter', Volume 150 April 1996, p 185. Married 1624, Suffolk, Eng-
land, Mary SHATSWELL (1699), born 1606, Ipswich, Suffolk, Eng-
land, died 28 Apr 1694, Newbury, Essex, MA, daughter of John
SHATSWELL (1720) and Judith DILLINGHAM (1721).
Occupation: Place: baker
Note: Resided East Haverhill, Mass.
Occupation: Place: Blacksmith
Note: Resided in Haverhill, Massachusetts.
Captain of the Third Foot Company of Militia at Haverhill, 1757.
Came from Charlestown to Haverhill, Massachusetts in 1657.
Occupation: Place: 27th President Of The Uni
Note: Lots more children: info at
Note: Resided Billerica, Mass.
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicPage: Billerica Births, Page 22
Note: Died prior to May 8,1799.
Lived in Charleston, Mass in 1768.
Settlement of estate on file at Middlesex County.
John Blanchard, son of John, 16 years of age, came under guardianship of
uncle, Samuel Blanchard, Aug. 31, 1759.
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicPage: Billerica births, Page 22
Occupation: Place: 20th President Of The Uni
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicPage: Cambridge Volume 1, Page 206
Text: Cambridge Births.
Note: John Wilson was taxed in Woburn, Mass. 26 Aug 1666 and is listed as having
rights in common land in 1668.
Note: Samuel and David Blanchard, administrators of the estate of John
Blanchard of Billerica, Aug. 16, 1756; Elizabeth Blanchard, widow.
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicPage: Billerica births, Page 22
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicPage: Billerica Deaths, Page 344
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicPage: Billerica Briths, Page 156
Note: Member of Andover church 11 Aug 1793
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicPage: Cambridge Volume 1, Page 587
Note: From "Early Settlers of Watertown, Mass" by Henry Bond. Page 152.
Deacon EPHRAIM CHILD came to America in 1630; was adm. freeman May 18,
1631, and was probably one of the first Deacons of the church at Watertown. He
was Rep. 12 years, between 1646 and 1662, inclusive; Selectman 15 years, be
ween 1636 and 1662, inclusive; and Town Clerk 1651,1660,1661, and 1662. He re-
peatedly received important appointments from the General Court. (See Butler,
p.17, and Worcester Magazine, II. 131,142, and 149.) He was often appointed,
by the County Court, one of the Commissioners of Watertown, "to end small causes."
He d. Feb.13, 1662-3, aged 70, s. p. His Will, dated Nov.10, 1662, mentions
Richard and John Child [who were brothers), and Ephraim, son of Benjamin
Child, of Roxbury. It is probable that Richard, John, of Watertown, and Benjamin of Rox.,
were his nephews. (Ephraim Child, a son of Benjamin, to whom he bequeathed
30 acres of dividend land, and 10 acres in Dorchester Field, was slain by Indians
at Northfield, Sept. 4,1675, and his brother Benjamin, Jr., of Rox., sold the 30 Acres
dividend land to Benjamin Peirce, of Wat.; Mar. 2, 1682-3.] He bequeathed "to
my loving cousin, William Bond," 40 acres in the hither plain, whom, in con-
unction with his wile. ELIZABETH, he appointed executor. His widow Elizabeth,
in her Will, dated June11, proved Oct. 1, 1667, appointed her "loving cousin,
William Bond," her sole executor. Ephraim Child, m., in Nayland, Suffolk Co.,
Eng., Feb. 8, 1625, wid. ELIZABETH PALMER. It is supposed that she was a daughter
of Jonas and Rose Bond of Bury St. Edmund's, where she was baptized Mar.12, 1599,
and an aunt of William Bond, "her loving cousin." (See Bond, p.47.) Dea. E.
Child executed a deed, Mar.15, 1647, in favour of Elizabeth Foot, of London, of
whomWilliam Goddard, of Watertown, was Att'y in 1665. The appraisal of his homestall
and the amount of hs inventory (£770.15.) show that he was one of the most
affluent of the first settlers. And the distribution of his widow's wardlrobe and
furniture, by her Will, shows that she had some of the elegancies, as well as the
comforts of life.
Source: (Death Field)
Early Settlers of Watertown, Mass. by Henry Bond. Boston, 1860.
Source: (Birth Field)
Early Settlers of Watertown, Mass. by Henry Bond. Boston, 1860.
Note: Resided at Carlisle, Mass.
[Brøderbund Family Archive #315, Ed. 1, Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1830, Date of Import: 27 Jan 1999, Internal Ref. #1.315.1.29.31]
Individual: Adams, Benjamin
County/State: Middlesex Co., MA
Location: Carlisle
Page #: 193
Year: 1830
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: Carlisle Births
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: Carlisle Deaths, p. 85
Cause: Consumption
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