Genealogy Data Page 69 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Miller, Robert Henry (b. , d. ?)

Note: !Lived in Tampa, FL in 1978

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George, Susanna (b. 1632, d. 6 JUL 1694)
Source: (Birth)
Title: Bond's History of Watertown
Author: Bond, Henry
Publication: 1855. Boston, Mass.
Media: Book

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Miller, Kathryn Eva (b. , d. ?)
Note: !Married Luther L. Pomraning; lived in Airville area in 1978

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Miller, Samuel Chester (b. , d. ?)
Note: !Married Ruth Atkins Lived in Airville area in 1978

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Miller, Clara Ellen (b. , d. ?)
Note: !Married Shaull; lived in Red Lion area in 1978

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Miller, William Clarkson (b. , d. ?)
Note: !Lived in Red Lion Area in 1978
Married Ruth Ewell b: 8/25/1929 d: 10/9/1988 Buried in Bethlehem Ch. Cem.,
York County. Married (2) Linda Ruth Sherman

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Miller, Richard Paul (b. , d. ?)
Note: !!Married (1) Margaret Louise Sullivan
(2) Beverly Kay Butler

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Heywood, John (b. ABT 1634, d. 17 JAN 1700/01)

The birthplace of John Heywood of Concord is unknown. In 1669 as sworn in the Middlesex County Courthouse on 5/8/1669 he gave his age as 35, which would make him born about 1634.

John kept an ordinary or Inn for which he had a license. According to the book "Concord in Colonial Times" by C.H. Walcott published in 1884, page 139, John Heywood was allowed to keep and
sell beer and cider." The year was 1670. In 1672 John renewed his license and had liberty to retail strong waters to the travelers and sick people.

John took the Freeman's Oath in 1670. Was made the constable of Concord 6/13/1676.

He is mentioned in 1671 as an heir to part of the estate of William Alline, who married Susanna Atkinsin widow of Thomas Atkinson. His wife's sisters Susanna and Hannah Atkinson were the other Heirs. His wife Rebecca and her mother were dead by the
time of the execution of this will.

The Heywood Name -

The Heywood name is of very ancient Anglo-Saxon origin. Sometime aroung the year 1164 A.D. when surnames began to be used, a man's place of residence was denoted by his name.

"Hay" or Hey" comes from the Saxon meaning hedge or wood, with the same meaning today as it was then.

The Heywood name is found among the very first written English documents. Among some of these early documents is a transfer of a tract of land, which was a wooded island, in Lancashire from Adamae Burgo to Peter de Eywood. The latter was the
alleged head of the family, from which it is believed the American Heywoods are descended.

Some of the names found in the early documents are as follows:

Margery de la Haye

Roger de la Haigh

Richard de la Woodhaye

Elvin le Heyward

Heywood the poet

There are many variations of this surname in use today. The most common are Hay, Hayes, Haighs, Haives, Heywood, Haywood, Hatward, Heiward, Heward, Howard, Herward, Heiword.

The First Heywood Homes -

Our first ancestor in America, John Heywood, owned land on Main Street near the Burial Ground in Concord, Massachusetts. He lived on a lot occupied until the latter part of the 19th Century by Bigelow's Tavern.

This same John Heywood bought property of Thomas Dakin, including a house and barn, on Lancaster Road beyond South River. This property was near homes of Michael Wood, Obadiah Wheeler and Edmund Wigly.

Another home was built by the Heywoods on farm land near the present Thoreau Street. It extended from the railroad station to the Nine Acre Corner Road. It was nearly opposite the home of Ephriam Wheeler. The house and barn stood slightly northwe
of the present station (Jarvis #68). This was the home of Samuel Heywood, and his son Jonas, Sr. According to the social Circle Memoirs, it was a mansion and had borne the family name since the first settlement of Concord Town. It has since been
torn down.

There is another Heywood house said to belong to the same family near the present Concord Historical Society.
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Text: Concord Births, Marriages & Deaths. p.58
Occupation: Place: Inn Keeper, Constable of

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Emenheiser, David (b. 27 APR 1887, d. 20 AUG 1975)
Note: ! York Daily Record obit stated he was the husband of Sarah Anne Douglas
Haubert Emenheiser; former employee of Red Lion Table Company

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Gipe, Ida Mae (b. 17 MAR 1893, d. 2 AUG 1982)
Note: ! There were children to this marriage but names are unknown

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Hilt, Arthur C. (b. 19 OCT 1876, d. 20 SEP 1924)
Note: !Arthur C. Hilt and Annie Agusta Hivner Hilt had the following children:

!Gerald: Born 1918
!Mary Ann: Born 7-28-1903; married a Spangler
!Sarah F.: Born 1913; married a Baker
!Elwood: Born 1907
!Wilbur Henry: Born 1910, Died 1980
!Elma: Born 1899
!Arthur: Born 5/12/1900, Died before 1910 Census was taken
!2 Infants Names Unknown

!Arthur was a Molder/Foundry Laborer

!In 1920 Census Arthur's Step-Father-in-Law - Charles Young and his two step
!brothers-in-law Elwood and Earl Young were living with the family.

!In 1910 Census Arthur's father Joseph was living with the family who lived at
!139 Front Street in Wrightsville

!Arthur's death was due to an automobile accident on the Wrightsville Bridge.

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Hilt, Joseph (b. 21 MAY 1845, d. 6 AUG 1919)
Note: !Joseph and Mary Ann Hilts children were:

!Joseph H. - Born 1865, Died 1947, Buried Fairview Cem., married 6/13/1886 to
!Lizzie Kupp then to an M. Angeline

!William H. - Born 1865

!George W. - Born 5/31/1867, Died 3/16/1928, Buried Fairview Cem., married Mary
!Wallick (who died 3/31/1906) then married Arabella Wallick

!Seymour - Born 9/29/1871, Died 10/23/1925, Buried Fairview Cem.

!Caroline - Born 7/20/1873

!Arthur C. - Born 10/19/1876

!From 1890 Census Civil War Pension Schedule: Joseph Hilt, Pvt. Co. E, Reg. 195
!- PA Vol., Enlisted 2/13/1865; Left Reg. 10/1865; Lenght of Service 8 months.
!No Discharge

!Joseph was a cigar maker and a molder.

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Atkinson, Rebecca (b. ABT 1637, d. 5 AUG 1665)
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Page: Concord Births, Marriages & Deaths, p.12

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, Mary Ann (b. 1838, d. ?)
Note: !Mary Ann may have been a Shenberger. Listed in church records for the
Methodist Church in Wrightsville is the marriage on Dec. 12, 1963 between
Joseph Hilt and Miss Shenberger.

In the 1870 & 1880 census living with Joseph and Mary Ann Hilt was Isaac Shultz.
Also listed in Josephs Obituary was Isaac Shultz who was identified as a Step-

Mary Ann was listed as still living when Joseph died in 1919.

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Shearer, Sarah (b. 1867, d. 22 APR 1915)
Note: !Married Charles E. Young in Wrightsville on April 27, 1892 (OC Book K PG 404)
When she died her children were listed as Earl Young, Elwood Young, May Young,
Wilbur Young who married Lydia Scott, and Mrs. Annie Hilt.

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Shearer, Henry (b. 28 JAN 1828, d. 24 SEP 1910)
Note: !Henry and Lydia Shearer's children were:

Lizzie: Born 1859 Died 2/20/1898
Henry: Born 1861
John: Born 1863 Died 7/24/1918
Mary: Born 1867
Katy: Born 1869 Died 8/30/1898
Solomon: Born 1872
William: Born 1874 Died 1/19/1905

Taken from 1880 census Hellam Twp (4/21/22)

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Scharer, Henrich (b. , d. ?)
Note: !There was a Abraham Sharer in Lower Windsor Township on 4/2/1804, Patent for
23.93 acres see York Deed 2-R-120 This would need to be researched to see if it
is indeed the same family

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Hilt, Henry (b. ABT 1814, d. ?)
Note: ! Henry Hilt found in 1840 Census # 194 Lancaster Co., West Hempfield Twp.
1850 Census York County, L. Windsor Twp.
1860 Census York County, Hellam Twp.

!Henry and Mary J. Hilt's Childen were: (all births approx.) From 1850 and 1860

!Caroline 1827 (listed as deaf and dumb)
!Priscilla 1832
!Samuel 1835
!Henry 1836
!Daniel 1838
!Lucinda 1838
!Mary 1840
!Joseph 1842
!Mary J. 1844
!William 1845
!Sarah 1849
!Catherine 1850
!Henry 1852

!In 1870 Census listed in L. Windsor Twp were:

!Henry Hilt, Sr. 71
!Mary J. 72
!Caroline 39
!Sarah 24
!Katie 19

!In 1880 Census listed were:

!Mary Hilt - 43; Caroline Hilt - 58; Sarah Hilt 26

!Henry Hilt is found in the Hellam Township Taxables for 1849. He most likely
!moved to York County the end of 1848.

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Broadt, Edward Davis (b. 26 MAR 1880, d. 4 AUG 1956)
Note: !His obit. state he was a Poultry Fancier for 53 years. Breeder of Barred Rock
Bantams, established Ivy Hill Hatchery, was a barer for 28 years before that.
He was from Bloomsburg and survived by Brother M.A. and Wilson Broadt and a
half brother Cleveland Broadt

Edward served in Spanish American War - PA, Pvt., Btry, E4 Regt. Arty.

Edward and Margaret Broadt's children were:

George R. - Born 1905, Died 1935
Anna Elizabeth - Born 1908, Died 1985
Edward Lee - Born 1913, Died 10/12/1989, wife Lorraine R. Maddux
Minnie R. - Born 1916, Died 1918
Jane - Married Kenneth Kauffman

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Heywood, Rebecca (b. 9 SEP 1657, d. 27 SEP 1657)
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Page: Concord Births, Marriages & Deaths, p.8

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