Keener, Daniel Philip (b. OCT 1899, d. ?)
Note: ! 1900 census lists him as Daniel
1910 census lists him as Phillip Daniel
Note: !Former Windsor Borough councilman and borough treasurer, former truck driver
for Yorktowne Wholesale Grocery Associations
he was 83 yr 11 mo 19 da when he died.
Note: ! 69 yr 7 mo 29 da when he died.
Retired manager of cash and carry department of Associated Wholesalers, York
WWII Veteran
Note: !Married Romaine, had sons Lewis & Edward; five children in all
Note: ! age 11 yrs, 9 mos, 23 days when died; buried at Salem UM Ch. Cem. in
Note: !World War II Army Veteran, received bonus from PA
Born in Springvale (Windsor Twp) at the home of Calvin Blouse, his grandfather
Note: Arrived in Watertown about 1637, coming from the ship "Rose", at which time he was 49 and she was 36. Their name is also spelled Pierce, Pers, and Pearce.
(1999) The following information was compiled by: Michael Roman, 13 Saddle Hill Drive, Northboro, MA 01532:
JOHN PEIRCE, b. Eng. abt. 1588, d. Watertown, MA Sept. 2, 1661, m. ELIZABETH ____, b. abt. 1589, d. probably Watertown March 12, 1667-8, "aged about 79".
John Peirce was a weaver in Norwich, Norfolk, England before his emigration. He was among the passengers on either the John & Dorothy of Ipswich with William Andrews the Master or the Rose of Yarmouth with William Andrews, Jr. the Master. These two vessels sailed from Ipswich, England and arrived in Boston June 8, 1637. Another ancestor on the same voyage was Thomas Flagg. Listed as passengers were "John Pers", aged 49, weaver of Norwich, wife Elizabeth, aged 36, children John, Barbre, Elizabeth, and Judith, and a servant, John Gednay, aged 19. It is apparent that the wife's age at time of embarkation was incorrect as she died in Watertown, MA in 1667, aged "abought 79". Also the eldest child was born about 1609, which would be impossible for a woman born merely eight years before. It is more likely she was 48, rather than 36, at the time of sailing.
From studying the Watertown inventories of lands it can be seen that John Peirce held lands that were granted in 1633 or 1634. It can thus be inferred that he must have come to New England no later than 1634, and probably in 1633. However he was absent for some of the land grants in 1636 and early 1637 and then appears on the above described passenger list with his wife and younger children. Two or three of his older children appear to have made the trip to New England some years before, probably with their father on his earlier voyage.[7/1:1] Verification of this hypothesis can be found in the Mayor's Court Books, Norwich, Norfolk 16341646, fo. 137. John was in New England (or on his way back to old England) on Dec. 3, 1636 when, "This day the wife of John Perse came, in the absence of her husband, who is now in New England, and desired to have a keeper chosen to succeed in that place at Christmas next, and this Court with one consent did choose Nicholas Rix of St. Edmund's to perform that place, if he before Christmas next shall enter such surety as John Perse did formerly enter." The "place" is not specified.[10/2:430]
In the first inventory of grants and possessions of Watertown, taken in 1639, John Peirce had 1) a homestall of twelve acres bounded north by the highway, south by Richard Beech, east by Bartholemew Person, and west by William Parker; and 2) a farm of 78 acres of upland in the third division.[8/1:63] The third inventory of about 1646 had the farm replaced by 2) two acres of meadow and 3) three acres of plowland.[8/1:143]
John Peirce became a freeman in March 1637-8 and took the oath of fidelity in 1652. On May 10, 1642 he was granted lot no. 2 of 72 acres in Watertown. He is said to have been an original proprietor of Lancaster, but he never lived there. It appears John was in a band of some sort (maybe a military company?) as on October 24, 1654, Hugh Mason "payd to Sarint Brite 2s 6d towards his Losse when he was Clark of the band also I paid to John Perse Dromer 3:6".[4/1:39] This could be his son John.
The daughter, Elizabeth (Peirce) Ball, had become insane prior to 1661, and the care of her children was given to the grand parents, John and Elizabeth Peirce, by their son-in-law, John Ball.[2] Watertown records state that the children were to be put out as apprentices in the trade of weaving.[4/1:50]
In his will, dated March 4, 1657-8, John mentioned that he was a weaver. He left his estate to his wife Elizabeth and mentioned his eldest son Anthony and other children who were not named. The will was witnessed by Edward Ting and Peter Jett and was proved Oct. 1, 1661..[6/2:1] Inventory of the estate of "John Perse of Water=Towne deceased the second day of the seaventh mo. 1661" (i.e. Sept. 2, 1661) was taken on Sept. 30, 1661 by Richard Beers, John Sherman, and John Wincoll. The estate was valued at 271.07.00.[6/2:2] Watertown records list his date of death as 19 of August.[9/1:23]
Elizabeth Peirce made her will on March 15, 1666-7. She mentioned her sons Robert, John, and Anthony; daughters Ester Morse and Mary Coldham; and grand children Mary and Ester Ball, John and Mary Peirce of son Anthony, Judith Sawin, Ester Morse, daughter of Joseph Morse, and Judah Peirce, daughter of Robert. The will was witnessed by Jospeh Taynter and Mary Taynter and was proved April 2, 1667.[5/2:325] The inventory of the estate, taken March 25, 1667 by Joseph Taynter and Samuel Stearns, amounted to 124.08.00.[5/2:327] It is thought by some that she may have been Elizabeth Pitt, daughter of William and Agnes Pitt of Bristol, England.
REF: [1] Seven Pierce Families - Harvey Cushman Pierce, 1936 (pgs.95-96)
[2] The History of Watertown - Henry Bond, 1860 (pg.393)
[3] The Stevens-Miller Ancestry - Winifred Lovering Holman,
1948 (pg.216)
[4] Watertown Records, 1894
[5] Middlesex County Probate (Firste Series Docket 17450)
[6] Middlesex County Probate (Firste Series Docket 17493)
[7] Great Migration Newsletter - Robert C. Anderson, 1990
[8] Watertown Records, 1894 (Lands, Grants, and Possessions)
[9] Watertown Records, 1894 (Births, Marriages, and Deaths)
[10] English Origins of New England Families from the NEHGR
- Gary Boyd Roberts, 1984 (First Series)
[11] Vital Records of Gloucester, MA to the End of the Year
1849, 1924 (vol. 3, page 97)
1. Anthony, b. Eng. abt. 1609, d. Watertown, MA May 9, 1678, m(1)
Eng. Mary ____, d. bef. 1633, m(2) Ann ____, d. Watertown Jan.
20, 1682
2. Esther, m. 1636 Joseph Morse, b. Eng. abt. 1610,
d. Watertown, MA March 4, 1690-1
3. Mary, d. Gloucester, MA Jan. 26, 1703-4,[11] m. Clement Coldham,
d. Gloucester Dec. 18, 1703[11]
4. Robert, b. Eng. abt. 1620, d. 1706, m. Mary Knight, d. 1702
5. John, m. Elizabeth ____
6. Barbara
7. Elizabeth, d. before 1665, m. abt. 1643 John Ball,
b. Eng. abt. 1620, d. Lancaster, MA Feb. 10, 1675-6
8. Judith, d. before Oct. 2, 1650, m. 1645 Francis Wyman, b. abt.
1617, d. 1699
Occupation: Place: Weaver
Note: An age of 36 in 1637 would put her birth abt 1601, not 1591. I do not know which record is in error.
Note: !Married Ropp
Note: ! Interior designer
Note: !Schoolteacher
Note: !1st Lt. Air Corp WWII
Lived in Manchester, York Co., PA area
Note: !2nd Lt. Air Corp WWII
Possible West York, PA resident
Note: ! Children: Holly Gretchen Douglas
Wesly (Guy?) Douglas
Note: !Lived in Philadelphia, PA area
Note: ! Lived in Hanover, PA area
Note: Robert Harrington, according to Bond's "Watertown" - "Waltham" is supposed to be one of the young sons left when John Harrington, who came on Ship Elizabeth with his wife and 2 young sons, was drowned in Boston Harbor shortly after reaching Boston.
John Harrington was born in England 1575 nad died in Boston 1630 and was the daughter of Thomas Clinton the #rd Earl of Lincoln (1571-1619) who was the son of Henry de Clinton (1540-1616).
However, a new book on the Harrington family says that hte above is incorrect, and that it was taken up by those who wanted to claim royal blood. This book says that the correct name of John and Ann was Errington, not Harrington, and offers the following ancestry for Robert.
"Robert Harrington, bailiff of Southwold, England, had a son Robert, who married 3-7-1613, Joan Jentilman, bap 7-5-1603, daughter of William and Agnes Jentilman. They had a son Robert, bap. 10-1-1616. The Robert Harrington who died in
Watertown, was born in 1616 according to his deathe record.
"Robert Harrington died young and his widow, Joan, remarried 7-25-1622, a Rev. John Younges. This couple asked permission to emmigrate to America, but were denied. However, in some way they got here, for they were living in Salem in 1637. It is proboble her son Robert Harrington came with them, and he could very well be the Robert Harrington of Watertown. This Robert and his wife Susanna George, had a lot of children and most of the Harringtons of New England descended from them."
There is NO evidence connecting him to Benjamin Herendeen or Harrington of Providence or to the John Harrington who drowned in Boston Harbor about 1630 (1,2) as is sometimes claimed (3,4), although there are hearsay claims that several generations of descendants of Robert and Benjamin sometimes thought of themselves as cousins (5). He arrived in the ship "Elizabeth" on 4/10/1634,
and was in Watertown by 10/1/1647 when he married. On 12/24/1684 he bought 250 acres of what is called the Oldham farm where his descendants lived for nearly 200 years (2). Sources: 1. Harrington Family Research Bulletin, Vol. 1, #4, p.41. 2. Weis, F.L. "Early Generations of the Family of Robert Harrington of Watertown Massachusetts, 1634, and Some of His Descendants" pp.10-11 and
15-16. 3. Ancestral File Program (LDS) 4. Harrington, G.H. "The Harrington Family" 5. Herrington, B.M. "The Ancestory and Descendants of William Harrington or Herrington" LDS FHS Microfilm 1033751#3.
Robert Harrington
There is NO evidence connecting him to Benjamin Herendeen or Harrington of Providence or to the John Harrington who drowned in Boston
Harbor about 1630 (1,2) as is sometimes claimed (3,4), although there are hearsay claims that several generations of descendants of Robert and
Benjamin sometimes thought of themselves as cousins (5). He arrived in the ship "Elizabeth" on 4/10/1634, and was in Watertown by 10/1/1647
when he married. On 12/24/1684 he bought 250 acres of what is called the Oldham farm where his descendants lived for nearly 200 years (2).
Sources: 1. Harrington Family Research Bulletin, Vol. 1, #4, p.41. 2. Weis, F.L. "Early Generations of the Family of Robert Harrington of
Watertown Massachusetts, 1634, and Some of His Descendants" pp.10-11 and 15-16. 3. Ancestral File Program (LDS) 4. Harrington, G.H. "The
Harrington Family" 5. Herrington, B.M. "The Ancestory and Descendants of William Harrington or Herrington" LDS FHS Microfilm 1033751#3.
Source: (Death)
Title: Bond's History of Watertown
Author: Bond, Henry
Publication: 1855. Boston, Mass.
Media: Book
Note: !Per York Daily Record, she was a native of Chanceford Twp, survived by 8
children. Both buried in McKendricks Church Cem., York County
Note: !died at age 84 y 10 m 10 d
died at Harrisburg State Hospital, buried in McKendricks Church Cem, York
Note: !Lived in Airville area in 1978
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