Genealogy Data Page 56 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Howard, Marvalena (b. 11 MAY 1847, d. 16 DEC 1871)

Note: 1850 census is hard to read but looks like Marcellanna, 1860 says Marvalene.
Source: (Birth)
Title: Tombstone
Media: Tombstone
Text: Interpolated from age at death of 24y 7m 5d

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Howard, Mary Jane (b. 28 MAY 1853, d. ?)
Note: Possibly one of these Howards listed in Missouri Marriage Index.

Howard, Mary J.
Gender: Female
Spouse: Albert Bailey
Marriage Date: Nov 06, 1878
County: Johnson
More About: This record can be found at the County Court Records, Film # 0959990 - 0959992
Howard, Mary J.
Gender: Female
Spouse: Lewis A. Allen
Marriage Date: Dec 23, 1872
County: Johnson
More About: This record can be found at the County Court Records, Film # 0959990 - 0959992
Howard, Mary J.
Gender: Female
Spouse: William S. Howard
Marriage Date: Jan 04, 1876
County: Howell
More About: This record can be found at the County Court Records, Film # 0931690 - 0931693
Source: (Birth)
Title: Marshall County Births
Media: Book
Text: p. 3

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Howard, Enos Newton (b. 19 OCT 1855, d. 23 OCT 1879)
Source: (Birth Field)
Marshall County Birth Records

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Howard, Eleanor V. (b. 19 DEC 1858, d. 22 NOV 1877)
Source: (Birth)
Title: Tombstone
Media: Tombstone
Text: Birthdate interpolated from age at death of 18y 11m 3d.
Source: (Death)
Title: Tombstone
Media: Tombstone

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Howard, John (b. ABT 1774, d. AFT 1860)
Occupation: Place: O.S. Baptist Clergyman

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Helms, George W. (b. ABT 1819, d. 1889)
Occupation: Place: Carpenter

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Arnold, Eliza Jane (b. 7 SEP 1827, d. 15 MAY 1888)
Note: March. 2011 Found marriage record for George Hellums and Eliza Jane Arnold on June 11, 1843 in Greene County, PA which I believe to be them. That makes Eliza the daughter of George Arnold. For years I thought her to be daughter of daughter of Robert Gorrell based on the following facts:
1. Eliza J. Gorrell is the right age to be the Eliza who married George Helms
2. Eliza J. Helms's son Lockwood J. Helms shows up on the 1860 census living with Robert Gorrell
3. Robert Gorrell's son John G. Gorrell wills his part of his estate to Lockwood J. Helms. The will doesn't mention his relationship to Lockwood, but it seems likely from this and the census records that Lockwood was grandson of Robert & nephew of John.

Here's what never fit - the 1840 census lists Robert Gorrell family as having 3 persons. 1 male between 50 & 60 (Robert), 1 male between 20 &30 (John G.) and 1 female between 20 & 30 (Elizabeth). Where is 13 year old Eliza? She should be listed if a Gorell, so I'm leaning toward ARNOLD.

Wayman Methodist Church Cemetary has tombstone for Eliza Jane Helms wife of C. W. 7 Sept 1827 - 15 May 1888
(This is probably our Eliza and the stone may read wife of G.W.) Cemetery is on the left fork of Wayman's Ridge near
Limestone in Marshall Co.
Source: (Birth)
Title: Tombstone
Media: Tombstone
Source: (Burial)
Title: Visit to gravesite
Media: Book

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Gorrell, Robert (b. ABT 1780, d. 30 MAY 1865)
Note: In 1843, Robert Gorrell leased much of the farm to his son J. G. for the annual sum of 25 dollars.
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1850 Census
Media: Census
Source: (Death)
Title: Death Record
Media: Book
Text: Marshall County, WV Book 1, p. 24
Occupation: Place: Farmer

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Helms, Lockwood John (b. 3 AUG 1846, d. 8 JAN 1918)
Note: Operated a bicycle shop in Moundsville.
Occupation: Place: farmer, capenter

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Laughlin, James (b. 5 APR 1796, d. 13 MAR 1873)
Note: Unsubstantial proof that Mary, wife of Andrew Howard, is James's daughter. This guesswork on my part, based on the census records where Mary is the only Mary Laughlin of the right age in the area.

James, John and Mary Laughlin are all enumerated on the 1850 Marshall Co. census with the family of Joseph C. Ruple. Was Jane Ruple aged 26, the daughter of James? I suspect that James's wife died shortly before this and he and the two children still left at home moved in with daughter Jane's family.

World Family tree does have a James Laughlin born on exactly 5 Apr 1796 in Allegheny Co., PA. (The same date I get when interpolating from my James's tombstone.) However it also has this man dying in Beaver county in 1818 after having fathered 8 children (unlikely for someone only 23). Among the eight are children named John, Mary , and Jane. I think the whole Beaver Co death is erroneous and this is my James.
Source: (Birth)
Title: Interpolated from age at death
Media: Other
Text: Tombstone says died at age 76 y 11 m 8 d.
Source: (Death)
Title: Tombstone
Media: Tombstone
Source: (Burial)
Title: Visit to gravesite
Media: Book

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Lint, James (b. 5 MAR 1788, d. JUN 1875)
Occupation: Place: Laborer

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Lint, Henry Jacob (b. 5 FEB 1758, d. ?)
Note: On the 1796 Tax Assessment for Milford Township.

This note is from Carl Lambert (
Henry Lint is one of the most prolific [with 11 surviving children] of
Conrath Thomas Lind's sons & yet he is the least researched. I believe a
major reason is because Henry [being the 1st son in difficult times]
didn't have the leisure of acquiring an education. He had to work to
help support the family until it was too late for him to go back to
school. Henry remained illiterate the rest of his life. Being
illiterate is a burden often carried on by the children, aggravated by the
cold hard facts of poverty. The descendents of Henry were mostly poor &
worked in Somerset's coal industry. It wasn't until the 1900's that they
broke out of the cycle. There are some descendents you will find in SW
PA today are not far from that cycle though. The younger siblings on the
other hand, except for Jacob & Rebecca, were able to acquire an
education & trades. Their children in turn were able to rise above the
survival cycle.

Source: (Birth)
Title: Lancaster County , PA Church Records of the 18th Century
Author: F. Edward Wright
Publication: 1994. Family Line Publications.
Media: Book
Page: Vol. 2, p. 35
Occupation: Place: Farmer, Miner

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Lint, Conrad Thomas (b. ABT 1730, d. NOV 1803)
Note: Conrad Lind, Rev. War Vet, served in Capt. John Muller's 6th Co., PA, 8th Battalion. 1781.

Estate No. 28 of 1805
Conrad Lint, Somerset Borough--Admrs. Bond filed Nov. 30, 1805. Admrs. Christian Lint and Christian Kugel. Bondsmen, Alexander Ogle and Killian Lichleberger. Widow, Catherine. Children mentioned but not named.

(note form Carl Lambert): Conrath Thomas Lind d. Nov 1803 & is buried near Paint Creek, Paint twp., Somerset co., PA. His w. Magdalena "Mary Ann" d. 1813 is buried nearby. It is believed they are buried on their old property. The sailing ship that Conrath, Johann & Georg came to Philadelphia from Rotterdam on was a "Snow Ketty" which is a classification of vessel & not the name. (-- nwh: Actually "snow" is the vessel type, Ketty would be the ship's name--) The ship's Captain was Theophilius Barnes. The manifest of foreign passengers qualified at the Court House in Philadelphia on the16th of Oct. 1752. The 3 Linds on board signed their names as follows: Johann Michel Lind, Georg Philips Lind, and Conrath Thomas Lind. A History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton co.s, PA, published in 1882 stated " the parents of Christian Lint Sr (ie., Conrath Thomas Lind) came from Germany & were sold for their passage money. The mother labored 6 yrs to pay, the father probably not so long". Per a letter by Mrs. Weigle (Lenore Hartig), a descendant of John Lint & Elizabeth Walters, our Conrath came to Somerset co., PA between 1792 & 94. This is partially confirmed by the marriage of Christian Lind & Elizabeth Lichtenberger on 10 Dec 1793 in Berlin, Brothers Valley twp., Somerset co., PA by Reverend Giese. The attendance records of the same church show Melchoir Seese & his w. Sophia also in attendance 1 Jan. 1788 [he as a Deacon]. This indicates that the period of Conrath's family moved may have even been before 1792-94. Conrath shows up on the 1796 tax records for Somerset twp., Somerset co., PA, but some of his heirs remained in the Lancaster, PA area; reference an1803 record of estate. Recorded in 1806 Somerset co., deed book vol., 3 page 698, was an agreement signed by all of Conrath's children & heirs which would grant Magdalena "Mary Ann" Lind their property for the remainder of her yrs. The significance of this document is that 3 of the signers were illiterate & signed their names with a X (ie., Henry Lind, Jacob Lind & Rebecca Lind). The lawyer or witness to the signatures had written in their names next to their X's by spelling their names LINT. The other 5 signers were literate & signed their names; John Bricker, Melchoir Seese, Conrad LIND, John LIND & Christian LIND. As in the previous example, the name LIND rapidly changed to LINT. A reason for this is when the anglicized ear hears the letter "D" spoken in German it sounds like a "T" or "DT". The Swedes who came to America named LIND didn't have the same problem, & kept the LIND spelling. Almost all the Germans who immigrated as LIND changed to LINT within 2 generations. Despite folklore about Lint families being descendant from Swiss or Swedish stock & claims of Jenny Lind (from Sweden) being a cousin, all the early LINDs who later became LINTs were from what is now Germany & they spoke old german. Those who could read & write did so in old German. A primary
reason for Germans of the palatinate to immigrate to Amer. during the period was to escape religious persecution, overcrowding, & economic chaos resulting from wars. Most were of the Reformed Luth. faith. Conrath Thomas Lind took his oath of allegiance in Lancaster co., PA 13 Jun 1777. In the summer of 1994 we made an exciting discovery by connecting what was then refered to as the "Peter Lind" branch of Lints in the US to their ancestors in Graben, Germany. No connection has been made between that branch of Linds & Conrath Thomas Linds branch. It is the 1st time (to my knowledge) though that a positive connection between the US & Europe has been established with any Lint branch. That "Peter Lind" branch is now refered to as the "Valentine Lind" branch after it's patron who raised his fam. in Graben, Germany about the 1630 time frame. In the summer of 1995 David Diehl of Jacobus, PA proved the connection
between the "Henry Lind" branch of York co., PA & Franz Josef Lind of Fachsenfeld, Wurttemberg, Germany. We followed up on this & have taken that branch back to about 1525. As of this entry we do not have a positive connection between the 3 Linds who got off a "Snow Ketty" in Philadelphia in 1752, but after the Henry-Franz Josef connection was made, I plotted over 700 Linds [1510-1850] on maps of Germany. The plottings revealed 4 distinct groups of Linds; in the Wurttemberg area, in the Pfalz-Rheinhessen area, in the Mosel-Hunsruck area [where I live 6 mo.s out of the yr], & in an area near Aachen just west of Bonn. Name patterns are positive for the families in the Rheinhessen area but no positive connection has been made yet. Research will continue again the summer of 1996 & appropriate updates made. The "Jenny Lind connection" which is folklore in several Lint branches plus a public statement made by the Bishop Gillian Lint (as quoted in a newspaper article) is under investigation with queries pending with Swedish archives in Stockholm. Conrath's military service has been confused by past researchers. If you consider that Conrath Thomas Lind was at least 45-50 during the Rev. war & his son Conrad was 16 the choice of which Conrad was who can be confusing. If you studying the average ages of some of the early rev. war conscripts though it's easier to believe it was the son Conrad that was active in the rev. war & not the father. Although there is more than 1 Conrad Lind enumerated on the rev. war rolls which tells us that they both probably served in different capacities. A Conrad Lind served under
Captain John Muller's 5th Co. of the PA 8th Battalion. Was it the father or the son? Conrad Lint is listed as a member of the 6th Bat. Militia of Cumberland Co., & recorded on the payroll Aug. 28, 1793.
Source: (Individual)
Title: Pennsylvania German Pioneers
Author: Strassberger, R. B.
Publication: Picton Press. Camden, Maine. 1992.
Media: Book
Immigration: Date: 16 OCT 1752
Place: Philadelphia, PA in the Snow Ketty

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Friedline, Peter (b. 25 DEC 1788, d. 30 MAR 1831)
Note: Friedline Cemetary situated in Jenner Twp, Somerset County, in field at top of hill off the end of Boscy Drive, south (left as you travel toward Jennerstown) of Lincoln Highway before Jennerstown.

[Brøderbund Family Archive #315, Ed. 1, Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1830, Date of Import: 27 Jan 1999, Internal Ref. #1.315.1.3279.23]

Individual: Friedline, Peter
County/State: Somerset Co., PA
Location: Jenner Twp
Page #: 114
Year: 1830
Source: (Birth Field)
Tombstone. Lincoln Township Cemetary Records.

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Hoffman, Catharina (b. 15 DEC 1803, d. 6 JAN 1888)
Source: (Birth)
Title: Laurel Messenger Newsletter
Author: Somerset Historical & Genealogical Society
Media: Book
Page: May, 1998 p. 358

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Friedline, David (b. 1818, d. ?)
Note: All these names for David's family come from Karl Friedline.

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Friedline, Johan "George" (b. 23 OCT 1760, d. 4 FEB 1852)
Note: George Friedline & wife were members of the Stoystown Grace Lutheran Church at the time of its organization in 1796.

1850 Census Quemahoning Twp. George Friedline, 91, farmer enumerated with the
John Barnhart family (Mary Barnhart, is his daughter Anna Maria)

[Brøderbund Family Archive #315, Ed. 1, Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1830, Date of Import: 27 Jan 1999, Internal Ref. #1.315.1.3279.17]

Individual: Friedline, George
County/State: Somerset Co., PA
Location: Quemahoning Twp
Page #: 097
Year: 1830
Source: (Birth)
Title: York County Church Records of the 18th Century
Author: Bates, Marlene S. & Wright, F. Edward
Publication: Family Line Publications. Westminster, MD. 1991.
Media: Book
Page: Vol. 2, p.170
Text: York County Church Records of the 18th Century. Marlene Bates & F. Edward Wright. 1991 Family Line Publications.
Source: (Baptism)
Title: York County Church Records of the 18th Century
Author: Bates, Marlene S. & Wright, F. Edward
Publication: Family Line Publications. Westminster, MD. 1991.
Media: Book
Page: Vol. 2, p. 170
Occupation: Place: Farmer

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, Catherine (b. 22 AUG 1764, d. 5 MAR 1840)
Note: Last name is possibly LICHTENBERGER.

In e-mail note from Karl Friedline. From:
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 13:15:45 EST
Subject: Friedline/Lichtenberger

Hello Ken and Joyce,

I was just reviewing the material that you sent me nearly a year ago. The
one thing that caught my eye was Catherine Lichtenberger, 1764-1840, as the
wife of John George Friedline Sr., 1760-1852. I never had the last name of
John George's wife. Your dates for Catherine do match what I have.

My records show that George Friedine Jr.,1790-1824, married a Caterina
Lichtenberger,1793-1850. This Caterina was a sister of Christina
Lichtenberger, 1791-1878, who married Henry Friedline, 1790-1826, the son of
John Peter Friedline, and a brother of John George.

To make it more confusing, John Ludwig Friedline Jr.,1756-1810, a brother to
both John Peter and John George, married an Anna Marie Lichtenberger,

Back to the basics, do you have any verification of John George Friedli
marrying Catherine Lichtenberger and how Catherine might relate to Caterina,
Anna Maria and Christina Lichtenberger? I hope I got that all right.
Thank you.

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Friedline, Johan "Ludwig" (b. 1730, d. 23 JUN 1784)
Note: Cemetary two miles northwest of Lavansville on original Ludwig Friedline farm, later Leroy Barron farm, crude markers are inscribed L F 1784 and M F 1810.


His will was written 29 Jan 1784 and proven 12 Nov 1784 (found in Bedford Co.) names wife Margaret and six children.

A 217 1/4 acre tract of land near the forks of Laurel HIll Creek was patented to Ludwig Friedline 15 Oct 1776 then Turkeyfoot Twp., later in Milford which was organized 1783-84, and Somerset Twp organized in 1800, still later in Jefferson Twp., which was organized in 1847. The land record is found in Book 21 page 256 at Bedford County.

The 1783/84 tax Census of Milford Twp enumerated Ludwig with 2 horses, 4 cattle, 2 sheep, 1 cabin, 5 in family.

An interesting court record in Bedford County (Oct 1780), as recounted by Welfley in the History of Somerset & Bedford Co., shows Daniel Palmer guilty of stealing a horse from LUDWIG FRIEDLINE. " It is therefore considered by the court that Daniel Palmer shall be taken tomorrow to the public whipping post and between the hours of eight and ten o'clock shall receive thirty-nine lashes to be well laid, on his bare back, and that immediately afterwards the said Daniel Palmer shall be placed in the pillory where he shall stand for one hour and shall have his ears cut off and nailed to the pillory post and shall forfeit to the commonwealth the sum of fifteen pounds being the value of the goods of LUDWIG FRIEDLINE of which the said Daniel Palmer was convicted of stealing and shall pay the costs of attending the prosecution and be committed until the whole of this sentence is compiled.

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"Margaret", Anna (b. , d. 1810)
Note: Maiden name is possibly LENHART.

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