Genealogy Data Page 55 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

, Joanna (b. , d. 8 MAR 1648/49)

Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Text: Woburn Deaths, p. 208

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Cleveland, Joanna (b. 19 SEP 1661, d. 12 MAR 1666/67)
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Text: Woburn deaths, p. 36

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), Ann or Hannah ( (b. , d. 1686)
Note: Widow of Nicholas Wood.

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Winn, Increase (b. 5 DEC 1641, d. 14 DEC 1690)
Note: First child recorded born in Woburn, Massachusetts.

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Chamberlain, Thomas (b. ABT 1639, d. 28 MAR 1727)
Note: Resided in Chelmsford, Massachusetts.

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Chamberlain, Thomas (b. ABT 1616, d. ABT 1700)
Note: Resided in Woburn and Chelmsford, Massachusetts.
Freeman, 29 May 1644. Taxed in Woburn, 8 Sept 1645.

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Howard, James J. (b. 15 MAY 1891, d. NOV 1973)
Note: Last resided Newtown, Bucks Co., PA

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Hunt, Hannah (b. 19 MAR 1734/35, d. 20 FEB 1820)
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Text: Concord Births, Marriages & Deaths. p.148

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Hunt, Submit (b. 26 OCT 1737, d. ?)
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Text: Concord Births, Marriages & Deaths. p.148

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Hunt, Thomas (b. 6 AUG 1743, d. 31 JAN 1767)
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Text: Concord Registers - Book II. p. 189
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Text: Concord Vital Records. p. 433

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Hunt, Anna (b. 22 MAY 1748, d. ?)
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Text: Concord Registers - Book II. p. 189

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Hunt, Elizabeth (b. 20 AUG 1751, d. 7 OCT 1751)
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Text: Concord Registers - Book II. p. 189
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Text: Concord Registers - Book II p. 183.

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Hunt, Thaddeus (b. 14 AUG 1752, d. 10 NOV 1822)
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Text: Concord Registers - Book II. p. 189
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Text: Concord Vital Records. p. 341

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Chandler, Joseph (b. , d. ?)
Note: of Andover

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Dakin, Thomas (b. , d. 21 OCT 1708)
Note: In Concord before 1650 [History of Concord, by Lemuel Shattuck. p. 367.]
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Page: Concord Registers - Book 1, p. 69

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, Sarah (b. , d. 18 OCT 1659)
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Page: Concord Registers - Book 1, p. 9

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Howard, Enos Newton (b. ABT 1813, d. 29 APR 1884)
Note: 1850 Census lists Enos as Sheriff. In a deed for a sheriff sale in 1855, Enos is titled, Sheriff of Marshall County and acting Commissioner of the Circuit Court of Marshall County, Virginia. From Deed book 9, p. 561 "This deed made January 6th 1855, between Enos Howard, Special Commissioner appointed by the Circuit Court of Marshall County at the Spring Term 1853..."
Enos is listed as sheriff in the 1850 census.
Resided in Beeler Station, Marshall Co. in the 1860 census.
It looks like this family moved to Missouri between 1860 and 1870.
In 1880, the Richmond children, (of deceased daughter Marvelena) are living with Enos & Elinor in Washinton twp, Johnson, Co., MO

The following news article is found in the Warrensburg Standard, Vol XIX,
No. 48 dated Thur, May 1, 1884.

Mr. Enos Howard, an old and wealthy gentleman, formerly from Virginia, committed suicide at Holden Tuesday, by taking morphine. The evidence before the coroners jury indicates that the cause was domestic trouble. He was the father of our esteemed fellow-citizen, J. J. Howard, who has the sympathy of this community.

Located in Washington Township, 31/2 miles south of Warrensburg on Highway 13 and 9 miles east on Y road. Sec 17, R24W, T45N.

This Cemetery is complete as of 1966. I transcribed and typed (not scanned) only non-copyrightable facts that can be found on the headstones. Transcribed for the WWW by M. Antal ©1999

HOWARD: Eleanor Melon, 18 Nov 1818- 16 Oct 1881, wife of Enos
Eleanor V., d 22 Nov 1877 at 18yrs 11mo 3days, Dau of E. and E.
Enos, d 29 Apr 1884 at 71 yrs
Enos Newton d 23 Oct 1879 at 24yrs 4 days, son of E. and E.
Lloyd E., 18 Feb 1864- 12 Mar 1885, son of R. S. and M.
Marvalena Richmond, d 16 Dec 1871 at 24yrs 7mo 5 days, Dau of E. and E.
Willie, d 15 Oct 1899 at 1yr 3mo 28 days, son of W. H. and Martha

From Johnson Co. Vital Records:
110 Howard Enos 71 M W XXXX 4/1884 Knob Noster Overdose of Morphine
Source: (Death)
Title: Missouri Birth & Death Records Database
Text: Johnson county , MO Roll:C 3501 , Page:14 Number:110
Occupation: Place: Farmer, Sheriff

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Mellon, Eleanor (b. 18 NOV 1818, d. 16 OCT 1881)
Source: (Birth Field)
1860 Marshall County Virginia census. Beeler Station post office.
Source: (Birth)
Title: Tombstone
Media: Tombstone

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Howard, William Spencer (b. ABT 1838, d. BEF 1929)
Occupation: Place: Physician

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Howard, John J. (b. ABT 1846, d. 1893)

John J Howard Commits Suicide by Hanging Himself


Discovered by His Sons Who Take Him Down and Send for Help

Causes Of The Rash Act Are Explained in a Letter Left to His Family


LEAVES a Wife and Four Children to Mourn His Loss.
Many Expressions of Sympathy for the Family.

John J. Howard, a prominant businessman of this city,
committed suicide today by hanging. The scene of his death
by his own hand was the handsome family residence on East
Grover Street.
Mr. Howard failed to go to his place of business Friday
morning and remained in his room until about ten o'clock. His
wife is now in Kansas City, having been called there by the
death of an uncle, and the children were either at school or
attending to their usual avocations. Mr. Howard and the servant
girl were alone in the house until ten o'clock, as above stated,
when he came down stairs from his sleeping room partially disrobed.
He at once summarily dismissed the servant girl, telling her he
had no further use of her services, as he could run the house by
himself. The girl immediately left the premises and Mr. Howard
went to the barn. as is supposed, for the purpose of procuring
a rope to carry out his designs. Nothing further of his movements
is known save that he was discovered by his son, Blair Howard, in
a dying condition.
At 12 o'clock Blair returned from business and brought a letter
addressed to his father. He went to his bedroom and knocked, but
receiving no answer, pushed the door open. The meaning of his
father's failure to respond was at once discovered. Mr. Howard was
suspended, with his feet about two feet above the floor, and the
son witnessed those awful contortions of a strangling man. A cry for
help brought another son to the scene and the young men cut the rope and
tenderly laid the gasping man on the bed. Dr. W.V. Smith was hurriedly
summoned, and assisted by Captain D.M. Raker, physician and assistant
struggled manfully to keep the spark of life aflame in the dying man.
Their efforts, however, were futile, and about 10 minutes later death
came. The man in his desperation had wisely provided to make his
attempt on his life a success. He dismissed the servant girl, and at
once sought a rope and carefully knotted it to a scantling and climbed
to the scuttle hole and placed it cross wise on the joists. He then
secured a table, put it in a convenient place, and methodically adjusted
the noose that was to accomplish the final work. He jumped from the table
or shoved it from under, and there remained slowly choking until dis-
covered by his son. Just how long he had been hanging is not known.
He left a note to his wife in which he assigned cause for his
rashness. He said in the note that it was not family troubles, for he
had as good a wife as ever lived, kind, good and dutiful children; that
it was not financial losses or debts, for he was in good financial con-
ditions and owed no debts. But that he had preferred not to live in his
present physical condition. He had periods of moroseness and melancholy
caused by physical infirmities, but the real cause, perhaps, was not
constant brooding over his health. His father committed suicide at
Holden about eight years ago, and it is said a suicidal mania has
afflicted deceased for several years. He had made several previous
attempts on his life.
Deceased was born in West Virginia, near Wheeling, and was about
48 years of age. He had been engaged in the hardware business in this
city about ten years, coming from Knob Noster to Warrensburg. He had
been twice married. His widow was a Miss Utley, daughter of Esquire
Utley of Knob Noster. He leaves four children, three sons and a daughter.

[Note from researcher Alan Norman]: I also found the following article in the Semi Weekly Standard
Herald dated 5/9/1893, Vol 28, No 99. 94 Members of the I.O.O.F Lodge went
to Knob Noster for the funeral of J.J. Howard. Knob Noster is about 10 miles east of Warrensburg. The fact that so
many people traveled that far in 1893 speaks highly of the affection people
around here felt for Mr. Howard.

Note: I also found a brief article in the Weekly Standard Herald of
Warrensburg, Mo, dated 10/7/1910, Vol XLVI, No. 19, reference the death
of Blair Howard. The article reads: Knob Noster The remains of Blair
Howard who died at Nevada were brought to this city Tuesday for burial.
Funeral services were held at the Baptist church in the afternoon.

Note: Nevada Mo, is in Vernon County which is about an hour southwest of
Johnson County.

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