Genealogy Data Page 52 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Allen, William (b. ABT 1598, d. ABT 15 DEC 1674)

Note: Will dated 12/15/1674.
May be the same William Allen as BK #483

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Whatlocke, Thomas (b. BET 1520 AND 1530, d. JAN 1607/08)
Note: Thomas Whatlocke was buried "very old."
He was a surveyor in Rattlesden in 1588 and Questman in 1590.

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Skott, Edmund (b. ABT 1524, d. 14 AUG 1621)
Note: Buried at age "about 97 years"

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Scott, George (b. ABT 1495, d. 1547)
Note: Of Bradfield St. George, Suffolk, England.
Perhaps grandson of Adam Scott of Bradfield who died in 1474/75 leaving his
estate to George Scott and Benedict Freg--, probably his son and son-in-law.
His will is made 2 Oct 1547.

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Day, Hannah (b. 16 JAN 1678/79, d. ?)
Note: Living in 1689.

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Day, Robert (b. ABT 1605, d. ?)

Robert Day deposed in 1681 that he was aged 77 years. He settled in Ipswitch before 1641. He had shares in Hog Island.He posessed real estate in Ipswitch, Mass.

Commoner, 1641; Selectman, 1663-1669; and a Thythingman, 1667.

He served on a trial jury in 1642, 1653, 1655 and on grand jury in 1651. In march 1654 he was released from ordinary training but was to pay 6 shillings a year to the company.

In 1664 Robert Day's son John was married to Sarah Pengry, daughter of Moses, and, as was so often the custom, the parents agreed before-hand as to what each would give the young couple for setting up their new home. The agreement was filed in court
and a later deposition is described.

Robert made a will making ample provisions for his son, John, and other children. Robert Day (his X mark) will dated 11 Aug 1683, proved 24 Sept 1683.
Occupation: Place: Brickmaker

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Pengry, Moses (b. ABT 1612, d. 2 JAN 1695/96)
Note: Settled in Ipswitch, Mass., with his brother Aaron before 1640. Commoner,
1641; Selectman, 1654; Deputy to the General Court, 1665; served for many
years of Deacon of the church; deposed his age as 50 in 1661; soldier in King
Philip's War in Maj. Appleton's company; received a grant of land near the
Wenham line. Owned a salt works, made salt. Was a man of education as he
could write. In Sept 1658 he was granted a license to sell liqour and keep an
Occupation: Place: Salt Works Owner

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Day, James (b. ABT 1646, d. ?)
Note: Living 1686.

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Lord, Robert (b. , d. ?)
Occupation: Place: Marshall of the colony

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Fiske, David (b. , d. ?)
Note: of Ipswitch, Massachusetts.

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Varnum, Samuel (b. , d. ?)
Note: Of Chelmsford, Massachusetts.

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Nelson, Philip (b. JAN 1633/34, d. 19 AUG 1691)
Note: Graduated from Harvard College in 1654, the only graduate that year. Was
Justice of the Peace and Captain of a company under command of Sir William
Phipp's going against the French in Nova Scotia.
Occupation: Place: Justice of the Peace/Capt

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Lowell, John (b. , d. ?)
Note: Of Newbury, Mass.

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Nelson, Thomas (b. ABT 1600, d. 6 AUG 1648)
Note: ·Arrived in Rowley, Mass., after 1637. A freeman 24 May 1639.
·Thomas Nelson was one of the wealthiest men of Mr. Roger's Company, and owned a six acre house lot in 1643. Soon after the settlement of Rowley, Massachusetts, probably as early as 1642 or perhaps earlier, he built a grist mill, and a sawmill, on Mill River, the first to be erected in the town.
·In the first allotment of lands, he was granted "thirty-six acres of upland in the field called the Mill field, twenty-six whereof was laid out to him as part of his division of upland; the other ten was given to him for encouragement towards building the Mill. Grist mills, known in later years as "Glen Mills" were in operation on this spot from that time until destroyed by fire in 1916.
·His will was dated 24 Dec 1645 in England. In 1654, widow Joanne Nelson was in Stoneham, Southampton, England, with the younger children.
·He returned to England between 1643 and 1646.

Thomas Nelson's will from Essex County Probate Records, Vol.1,p.346

I, Thomas Nelson of Rowley in the County of Essex in New England being by Providence called now to make a voyage into old England, not knowing what may befal me therein upon several considerations dispose of & settle the estate which God hath given me (by way of will) in manner and forme following.

Imprimis I give unto my beloved wife Joane for her natural life, my mill, mill house with the aptenances situate & being within the limits of Rowley & all that ground near unto the said mill, which was lately in the occupation of Joseph Wormhill & all that my upland & meadow or other ground which lyeth betweene Rowley ox pasture on one part the common on another part, & the mill river & the brooke that goeth from the town on the other part thereof, all which lands or grounds containeth by estimation fifty acres, be it more or less provided she make noe other claim to any other part of my houses, lands, tenements, hereditaments &c.

Item I give her two acres of ground dureing her natural life in the pond field, next Mr.Rogers (leaving out the pond) to build her a house, the remainder or reversion of which mill & land & premises, & all other my houses, lands, tenaments, hereditaments I give among my children & to their heirs as well as that child, which my wife is withall the rest.

Item I give & bequeath to my eldest son Philip a double portion, & to my son Thomas Nelson and my daughter Mercy Nelson & the child or children she is withall their equal part, provided if any of them dye before they come to the age of twenty and one years or marriage, then their parts to be equally divided among the surviving children.

Item, my will is that Richard Bellingham Esq. & my Honored uncle Richard Dummer Gent. shall have the education of my sonns Philip Nelson & Thomas Nelson,& the portion of their estates both of lands & goods for their education & maintenance, till they come to twenty one years and then they to receive their estates & the overplus above their maintenance, giving a sufficient discharge.

Item my will is that my wife & my uncle Richard Dummer shall have the education of my daughter Mercie Nelson & the other child my wife is withall & the proportion of their estates both of lands & ???? for their education and mayntenance till they marry and then they to receive their estates & the overplus above their mayntenance, giving a sufficient discharge.

Item I give and bequeath unto my wife Joane four choice cows, one choice mare, and ten pounds to build her a house.

Item I give unto my son Philip Nelson ten pounds, which was given him by my aunt Kathren Witham and is in my hands and his plate marked with his name PN & to my second sonn Thomas Nelson a wine boule and one silver spoon, all the rest of my personal estate, my debts being paid I give unto my children to be equally divided as above only my eldest sonn Philip to have a double portion.

Item I make Mr.Richard Bellingham & my uncle Richard Dummer my executors of this my last will and testament, & my desire is & I would intreat Mr.Ezekiel Rogers of Rowley & Mr.John Norton of Ipswich to be my overseers,& my mind further is, if any difference arise concerning this my last will & testament my overseers shall have the hearing & deciding of the same.

Item I give unto my wife all her wearing apparel her chest, box, bed, & furniture & a silver beaker.

December 24,1645 Thomas Nelson

Sealed,signed & delivered in the presence of Jeremy Houchen, Ezekiel Northend

Deposed by Jeremy Houchen the 21 of the 10 mo. 1649
before the court, Increase Nowell Cleric

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Dummer, Joanne (b. , d. ?)
Note: Daughter of Thomas Dummer of Bedgeley, England and niece of Richard dummer of

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Jewett, Joseph (b. 31 DEC 1609, d. ?)
Note: Admitted to First Church of Dorchester before 1639; soon moved to Rowley.
Freeman, 1639

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Allen, Ann ( ) (b. , d. ?)
Note: Widow of Capt. Bozoan Allen of Boston.

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Jewett, Mary (b. 4 APR 1654, d. ?)
Note: Never married.

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Hildreth, Thankful (b. 22 JUL 1754, d. ?)
Note: Also have birthdate of 28 July 1754

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Hildreth, Elizabeth (b. 22 JUL 1754, d. ?)
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: Electronic
Text: Westford Births. p. 53

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