Bixby, Joseph (b. 1621, d. 19 APR 1701)
Note: JOSEPH BIXBY of Ipswitch and Boxford
Joseph Bixby in 1674 in a deposition stated his age as 54 years. The earliest mention of Joseph Bixby in New England occurs at the time of his marriage to Sarah Heard. He was a member of the Topsfield church as well as his wife, in a list made by Rev. Joseph Capen in 1684. He owned a farm in Ipswitch and numerous other lots including Rowley and Boxford.
He was chosen Sergeant of the Soldiery of Topsfield and the villages adjoining thereto, 21 April 1666. Later Sergeant of the Rowley company. An undated petition containing the signatures of 77 foot soldiers and 10 troopers of the Train Band of Rowley, prays that Philip Nelson be commissioned "Commander-in-Chief, " and John Johnson, Lieutenant. Among the names appended, which are not autographs, is the name of Joseph Biggsby, Sergeant. He was commonly called Sergeant even after his training days had passed.
Rev. Joseph Capen was ordained at Topsfield in 1684 and upon taking charge made a list of members which include Joseph Bixby and his wife.
In 1690 Joseph was on a committee to send a deputy to the General Court. In 1687 was moderator of the third annual town meeting in Boxford.
He was a carpenter. The first highway authorized by the new town of Boxford went by his house in 1686. A small iron works was begun in Boxford of which he was part owner. In a tax list of 1687, Joseph Bixby is described as a decrepit old man.
There was no distribution of his estate until after the death of his widow who survived him by three years. She died June 3, 1703, presumably aged 84 years. His will is dated 11 Nov. 1699.
Owned farm in Ipswich and other lots in Rowley and Boxford.
Source: (Birth)
Title: The English Ancestry of Joseph Bixby
Media: BookPage: 238
Text: "The English Ancestry of Joseph Bixby," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 141 (July 1987)
Source: (Death)
Title: A Genealogy of the Descendants of Joseph Bixby
Media: BookPage: 7-28
Text: Williard Bixby, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Joseph Bixby (1914)
Occupation: Place: Carpenter
Note: Her father died in 1630/31. Her mother remarried John Wyatt and they all emigrated to America. Sarah Riddlesdale is mentioned in John Wyatt's will.
Source: (Birth)
Title: NEHGR
Media: OtherData:
Text: John B. Threlfall, "John Wyatt of Ipswich, Massachusetts and his wife Mary (-----) Riddlesdale," New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol. 143 (July 1989) p. 220
John Wyatt was born in England and married Mary as his second wife.
John and wife Mary came from Asington, Suffolk, England in the "Elizabeth," sailing 10 April 1634 to Watertown, Mass.
He moved to Ipswitch in 1639 and to Wenham, 1655, where he died some time between 20 Nov. 1665 and 15 Jan 1666 - the dates of his will and its probate. The will of John Wyatt of Ipswitch dated 23 Nov 1665, proved 15 Jan 1665/66 To his wife he gave
"use of the room we now lye in" the cellar under it and rooms above it. He also named his three daughters, Mary, Sarah, and Dorcas and his grandson John Kimball. The last named lived with his grandfather and to him was devised the swelling house,
cattle, etc. From the inventory we learn that the widow, Mary was evidently a second wife. Sarah was to receive lands in Asington, Suffolk, England, after her mother's death.
He was admitted freeman of Topsfield, 5 May 1644
Note: She was mentioned in John Wyatt's will as his daughter, but she was more
likely his step-daughter.
Note: Lived in Newbury, Salisbury, and Ipswitch
Probably the son of Edmund Heard of Claxton, England, a linen weaver.
Occupation: Place: Linen weaver
Note: George Bixby is listed on the ship money return [tax list] of 30 March 1640 at Little Waldingfield for one shilling, nine pence.
Cause: Childbirth
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: Chelmsford Deaths, p. 364
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: Chelmsford Vital Records, p.23
Note: The BATES family had smallpox in Apr. of 1722, and a fence blocking the road was ordered built to block the family off.
"April the 23, 1722 it is Ordered by the Select-men That in as-much as the small-pox is in John Bates his family and it is to be feared the infection will spread if some due Care be not rather speedily [taken] to prevent the same: That the Country Road be stopt with fencing across by sd Bates Cider-mill and by Ebenezer Spauldings Orchard and that notifications be sett on the sd fence at each stopage to inform passengers of the occasion that thereby they may be prevented from taking any infection. . . . . ."
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: Chelmsford Deaths, p. 364
Cause: smallpox
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: Chelmsford Vital Records, p.23
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: Chelmsford Deaths, p. 433
Cause: smallpox
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: Chelmsford Vital Records, p.23
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: Chelmsford Deaths, p. 365
Note: of Canterbury.
Note: Military: Captain
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: Chelmsford Deaths, p. 434
Note: Resided Chelmsford, Massachusetts.
On 10 Jan 1709/10 he divided his real estate inthe north part of Chelmsford
between his three sons Benjmamin, Samuel, and Nathaniel (Middlesex deed book
15, p. 159-160; Book 36, 9. 593)
Source: (Birth)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: Woburn Births, p.37.
Occupation: Place: Husbandman
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicPage: 371
Text: Chelmsford Deaths
Source: (Baptism)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: Cambridge Briths, p. 158
Note: Died of consumption.
Note: of Canterbury, Connecticut.
Sarah was his third wife.
Source: (Birth)
Title: Interpolated from age at death
Media: OtherData:
Text: "in his 83rd year"
Source: (Death)
Title: Vital Records of Middlesex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849.
Publication: Search & Research Publishing. Wheat Ridge, CO. 1999
Media: ElectronicData:
Text: Chelmsford Deaths, p. 403
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