Harrington, Robert (b. , d. ?)
Occupation: Place: Baliff of Southwold
Note: ELLIOTT 29 Oct 1915 Mrs Elmarie Elliott, aged 81 years, wife of Thomas Elliott of Cumberland Valley, died at her home last night following an illness of a few days. Surviving are one son, Ross Elliott at home and 3 daughters; Mrs Reed Miller of Centreville; and Mrs Thomas Hardinger and Mrs Rose Drenning of Cumberland Valley. The funeral is from the Bethel Church with Rev Pierpont and burial in the Bethel Cemetery. [source: The Cumberland Times]
Source: (Birth)
Title: Tombstone
Media: Tombstone
Note: Resided Cumberland Valley Township, Bedford Co, PA in 1912.
Note: Resided Cumberland Valley Township, Bedford Co, PA in 1912.
Note: Resided Cumberland Valley Township, Bedford Co, PA in 1912.
Note: Resided Cumberland Valley Township, Bedford Co, PA in 1912.
Note: Joseph was taken captive by Indians in Sept. 1757. He returned five years
Occupation: Place: Amish Farmer
Note: Christian was taken captive by the Linne Linope Indians in 1757. Seven years
later he returned. It is said he did not readily want to make his home with
the whites even after his return, and only did so after his marraige.
Occupation: Place: Dunkard Minister
Source: (Death Field)
"Descendants of Barbara Hochstetler and Christian Stutzman"
by Rev. Harvey Hostetler, Gospel Book Store, Berlin, Ohio, 1965
Note: Drowned at Meyersdale.
Grave - Near cornerstone in a field with a fence around it.
Source: (Birth)
Title: family bible
Media: Book
Source: (Baptism)
Title: Saylor, E. C.
Media: Book
Occupation: Place: Farmer
Cause: Drowning
Note: Excerpted from the LM article: "Old Duddy" Feb. 1976. "Henry's mother, Polly Hess Zeigler, had made her home with them and died there [Bedford Co.] leaving more items to be carefully stored away in the attic.
Source: (Birth)
Title: family bible
Media: Book
Source: (Birth)
Title: family bible
Media: Book
Source: (Birth)
Title: family bible
Media: Book
Source: (Birth)
Title: family bible
Media: Book
Source: (Birth)
Title: family bible
Media: Book
Source: (Birth)
Title: family bible
Media: Book
Source: (Birth)
Title: family bible
Media: Book
Note: Henry Hess arrived in Somerset County between 1779 and 1783. He is listed as on the 1783 Federal Tax Supply list for Quemahoning twp (he is absent on the 1779 list) [source: Somerset County Outline, by John C. Cassady. 1932. pp. 140-150]. In 1783 he was taxed for 600 acres, a sizeable estate (about 150 acres is average). Stonycreek twp was later carved out of Quemahoning twp., so the Stonycreek farm IS the farm listed on this tax list.
Revolutionary War Vet. PA Archives s6 v 15 p973.
Cemetary on the Shanksville - Buckstown Road.
Estate #9 of 1831
– Henry Hess
In the name of God, Amen. I, Henry Hess, of Stonycreek Township Somerset county and State of Pennsylvania, being in good health of body and sound and disposing mind and memory, praised by God for the same, and being serious to settle my worldly affairs whilst I have the strength and capacity so to do, do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and making void all wills by me at any time heretofore made, and first and principally I commit my Soul into the hands of my Creator who gave me it, and my body to the Earth to be interred at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter mentioned, and as to such worldly estate as it hath please God to intrust me, I dispose of as follows, viz; I will and bequeath unto my beloved wife Magdalena Hess the house wherein I now live, and garden near said house, and a stable, andsomuch of my household and kitchen furniture as she sees necessary to keep, and two cows and one hundred dollars to be paid to her immediately after my death by me executor, and three hundred dollars are to be let out on Interest and the interest to be paid to my said below wife during her normal life and after my death the plantation that I an now living on, I order to be rented for shares and that my beloved wife is to have one third of all grain, hay, potatoes, and sugar. Grain and hay to be delivered into the barn and the potatoes to where she may direct,
And after my death it is my will as soon as convenient that my Executor dispose of my personal property at public sale, that is of what is left after my said wife has taken her share, and after collecting the money arising therefrom and what can be collected otherwise of an credits, after paying my just debts and all tudching this my last will then the remainder to be divided in the manner following,
Unto the children of my daughter Magdalena, I give and bequeath two hundred and fifty dollars, namely unto Polly, Catherine, Isaac, John and Jacob Wendle, share and share alike, to be paid to them by my Executors when they arrive to their respective ages of twenty-one years, and I also order that if any of the said children should depart this life before their share doth become payable then such share or shares to be divided equally among the surviving.
Unto my daughter Elizabeth I give and bequeath fifty dollars and the weaving loom that she already has,
Unto my daughter Mary married to Gabriel Hull and unto the children of my daughter Polly, namely Elizabeth, Polly, Catherine, Peggy, and Henry being the five born to Jacob Zigler, decd., I give and bequeath all that my remain in the hands of the executors after paying what is already directed, that is one half to the said Mary and the other part to the said five children share and share alike, to be paid to them at their respective ages of twenty-one years or to their respective guardians, and the three hundred dollars let on Interest for the use of my said wife during her life are also after the death of my wife, to be divided, in the same manner as above described unto my daughter Mary and the children of my daughter Polly, it is my will that if any of the above named children should depart this life before their share should become payable then such share or shares to be divided equally among the surviving thereof, share and share alike.
Unto the children on my daughter Catherina name Sarah Zigler, John Zigler, and Jacob Zigler, I give and bequeath that certain tract of land where I am now living on adjoining land of John Lambert and others, containing three hundred and twenty four acres and one half acre, and also my other tract of land adjoining the above described tract containing one hundred and sixty acres, with all and singular the approvements thereon, the land is be divided in the manner following, the said John is to have one hundred and eighty acres of the above described tract of land adjoining lands of John Lambert with the improvements and also eight acres of the other described tract of land for which the said John is to pay unto his sister Sarah three hundred dollars for her share of the said land, fifty dollars as soon as he arrives to the age of twenty two years and fifty dollars annually until the whole three hundred dollars are paid for which payments the said John is to give the said Sarah obligations with security, and the said Jacob Zigler is to have the residue of the above described land for his share, it the Land is not divided in my life time, it is my will the three disinterested men by chosen by the Executors for to divide the same, and the division of the three men so chosen shall be binding on the said Legatees, I do also give and bequeath unto the said John and Jacob my blacksmith tools,
It is also my will that after the death of my said beloved wife my Executors dispose at public sale of the property then left that the money arising there from be divided among my daughters Elizabeth, Mary, and the children of my daughter Polly, one third to Elizabeth, one third to Mary, and one third to the said children of my daughter Polly born to Jacob Zigler, decd., share and share alike.
And Lastly I nominate and appoint my friends Christian Miller and Tobias Musser, sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament in testimony whereof I have unto set my hand seal this 26th day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and twenty seven
Henry (X) Hess
Signed, Sealed, Published, Pronounced and declared by the said Henry Hess as his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence have hereunto subscribed our names.
Abraham Musser
Individual: Hess, Henry
County/State: Somerset Co., PA
Location: Stoney Creek Twp
Page #: 071
Year: 1830 Census
Source: (Birth)
Title: Two Centuries of Brothersvalley
Author: H. Austin Cooper
Publication: 1962
Media: BookPage: 407
Text: by H. Austin Cooper. 1962.
Note: Two Centuries of Brothersvalley Church of the Brethren, by H. Austin Cooper. 1962.
Source: (Death)
Title: Two Centuries of Brothersvalley
Author: H. Austin Cooper
Publication: 1962
Media: BookPage: 407
Occupation: Place: Blacksmith
Note: Have alternate death date for Magdalena of 2 Nov 1846.
Source: (Birth)
Title: Two Centuries of Brothersvalley
Author: H. Austin Cooper
Publication: 1962
Media: BookPage: 407
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